Saturday 28 October 2017


LUDHIANA - The Chairman of Punjab State Farmers’ Commission, Mr Ajay Vir Jakhar called for providing best extension services to the farmers of Punjab. Interacting with the senior officials and extension specialists of PAU, Mr Jakhar said farm extension services need to be revived with focus on understanding farmers’ problems, providing solutions and making additions to fortify the entire system. “With the best facilities available, why not provide best extension services to the farmers,” he observed. The target should be set to reduce the use of chemicals by 10 per cent, he suggested. In addition, there is a need to record farmer’s opinion about the problems being faced by him, he said. Mr Jakhar also stressed on spreading wings in Punjab through social media by involving more and more number of farmers as members of various groups.

Mr Jakhar visited Punjab Agricultural University to discuss the ways to strengthen the existing extension system. Dr Baldev Singh Dhillon, Vice-Chancellor, PAU; Dr B.S. Sidhu, Agriculture Commissioner, Punjab; Dr R.S. Sidhu, Registrar; Dr Navtej Bains, Director of Research; and Dr Ashok Kumar, Director of Extension Education, were present at the meeting. The Deputy/Associate Directors of Krishi Vigyan Kendras, senior extension specialists from Farm Advisory Service Centres, extension specialists from Directorate of Extension Education and heads of various departments, PAU, also attended the meet.

Dr Dhillon highlighted the initiatives, taken by PAU, to strengthen the existing extension system of PAU. He also explained  the importance of on-farm trials. In his welcomed remarks, Dr Sidhu said with the agriculture policy being framed, this meeting aims at discussing the ways to fortify extension services.

            Dr Kumar, while highlighting the extension activities, said evaluation, refinement and dissemination of technologies; and planning and organization of trainings are the thrust areas of the extension system of PAU. Kisan Melas, workshops, trainings, adaptive research trials, demonstrations, field days, exhibitions, campaigns etc. are the diverse extension modes through which technologies are disseminated, he informed.  Dr Kumar also briefed about agricultural production, processing and value addition clubs; utility services being provided by PAU, latest modules for transfer of technology; and management of whitefly during Kharif 2016.

            Later, Dr Dhillon proposed the vote of thanks. Mr Jakhar was presented a set of PAU publications by the VC

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