Tuesday 8 August 2017

Sewadaar Youth Club to be Organize Ma ki Chownki A Night of Jagaran. Narinder Chanchal will be Highlight of the Program

विशाल माँ की चौंकी 

सेवादार युथ क्लब लुधिआना की तरफ से पांचवी विशाल माँ की चौंकी का आयोजन 26 अगस्त 2017  को किया जा रहा है | चौंकी  का मूख्य आकर्षण जहाँ युथ स्लूब द्वारा त्यार किया जा रहा ५० फ़ीट ऊँचा भवन होगा  बहीं प्रोग्राम की सब से बड़ी अट्रैक्शन बॉलीवुड गायक कलाकार  श्री नरिंदर चंचल भी होंगे |  माँ के भगतों तक इस इस चौंकी के प्रचार के लिए सेवादार युथ क्लब पूरी शिदत के साथ दिन रात एक किये हुए है | सभी सदस्य नौजवान उम्र के होने के साथ साथ सेवाभावना से बचनबद्ध है | 

Zazba e Madad
Sewadaar Youth Club

A group of very young aged group of boy in the city. Filled with full of zeal and enthusiasm. All are energetic and always in ready to do mode. Group is fantastically supervised under the able and superlatively guidelines of its  President Mr Nishant Sood and its General Sectory  Mr. Gobinda Malik.  From the last few years Sewadaar Youth Club  actively Participating in all religious events along with organizing programs on most of the religious activities and during festivals in the city.
This time volunteers of Sewadaar Youth Club has tighten their belts to organize biggest event of the city on 26 August, 2017. The great feature of the event is Renowned Bollywood Singer Specialized on Religious tracks which is none other than Narinder Channchal. Its a big achievement of the group. let's wish them great luck and bless them for their great  future.
Mr Nishant Sood while addressing the Press said that this time Maa ki chowki, A Night of Jagran is planned under as one of the biggest event of club and for city residents. The main attraction of the event will be a set of 50feet height. We will bring jyoti from Ma Jwalaji in the jagran. We are  opening its information centres in all corners of the city just to aware the public.  Mr Sood Added that apart from Narinder Channchal a city based renowned singer Kumar Sanjeev will also participate and sung the Bhajan.

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